Canalside to Camley SPD logoCanalside to Camley SPD

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Canalside to Camley Street Adopted Supplementary Planning Document

“Canalside to Camley Street” was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by the Council on the 22nd November 2021.

Thanks again for the feedback we received during the public consultation, which helped us to revise our planning guidance.

You can view the adoption statement, adopted SPD, consultation feedback report and other related documents on our website .

If you have any questions please email us at or call us on 020 7974 4703.

Further planning policy guidance for sites in the area is proposed in a new Draft Site Allocations Plan that is being produced. Further public consultation on this plan is open and will run until the 24th January 2022.

There may be separate consultations organised by landowners and developers for proposals for sites in the area in the future.

You can also sign up to receive email alerts about future planning applications as they happen in your local area at:

Yours faithfully,

The Regeneration and Place Team

London Borough of Camden

Posted on 16th December 2021

by George McKenzie

Consultation on Draft Canalside to Camley Street SPD

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to look at the draft Canalside to Camley Street Supplementary Planning Document, respond to the consultation and subscribe to receive updates.

If you have only made comments on the interactive map or just the draft document you still have the chance to make further comments at by Friday 25th September 2020.

Also please let your friends, neighbours, work colleagues or your local organisation know that they can also still respond to this consultation.

If you need further assistance or have a question please email us at: or call 0207 974 4703.

The Regeneration and Place Team

London Borough of Camden

Posted on 18th September 2020

by George McKenzie